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TWP Reading Series

  • 15 Nov 2019
  • 7:00 PM
  • 31 W. 31st ST, Kansas City MO 64108

TWP Reading Series Featuring Alice Friman, William Trowbridge, and Maryfrances Wagner


Alice Friman’s seventh collection, Blood Weather, is forthcoming from LSU. Her last two books are The View from Saturn and Vinculum, for which she won the 2012 Georgia Author of the Year Award in Poetry. Other books include Inverted Fire and The Book of the Rotten Daughter, both from BkMk, and Zoo, Arkansas, which won the Sheila Margaret Motton Prize from New England Poetry Club and the Ezra Pound Poetry Award from Truman State University. She is a recipient of a Pushcart Prize, is included in Best American Poetry, and is the winner of the 2016 Paumanok Award. Professor emerita of English and creative writing at the University of Indianapolis, she lives in Milledgeville, Georgia, where she was Poet-in-Residence at Georgia College.

William Trowbridge was born in Chicago and grew up in Omaha, Nebraska. He earned a BA and an MA in English from the University of Missouri-Columbia and a PhD from Vanderbilt. He is the author of the full-length poetry collections Enter Dark Stranger (1989), O Paradise (1995), Flickers (2000), The Complete Book of Kong (2003), Ship of Fool (2011), and Put This On, Please: New and Selected Poems (2014). His chapbooks include The Book of Kong (1986), The Four Seasons (2001), and The Packing House Cantata (2006). From 1986–2004, Trowbridge served as editor for the Laurel Review and GreenTower Press.  He has received an Academy of American Poets Prize and a Pushcart Prize and has held fellowships at Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, the MacDowell Colony, Ragdale, Yaddo, and the Anderson Center. In 2012, Trowbridge was appointed poet laureate of Missouri. He is a distinguished professor emeritus at Northwest Missouri State University and currently teaches in the low-residency MFA program at the University of Nebraska. He lives in Lee’s Summit, Missouri, with his wife.


Maryfrances Wagner’s books include Salvatore’s Daughter, Light Subtracts Itself, Red Silk (Thorpe Menn Book Award for Literary Excellence), Dioramas, Pouf, The Silence of Red Glass ,and The Immigrants’ New Camera.  Poems have appeared in New Letters, Midwest Quarterly, Laurel Review, Voices in Italian Americana, Unsettling America:  An Anthology of Contemporary Multicultural Poetry (Penguin Books), Literature Across Cultures (Pearson/Longman), Bearing Witness, The Dream Book, An Anthology of Writings by Italian American Women (American Book Award from the Before Columbus Foundation), et. al.  She co-edited with her husband Greg Field  New Letters Review of Books and co-edited a number of anthologies including The Whirlybird Anthology of Greater Kansas City Writers with David and Judy Ray.  She has served as president of The Writers Place in Kansas City and currently co-edits I-70 Review.  She has two rescued dogs named Sylvia Plath and Annie Sexton for their troubled pasts. 

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31 W. 31st ST, Kansas City MO 64108

Email: info@writersplace.org 


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