Admission at the door: $3/members, $5/non-members
Join us for the August installment of The Writers Place Reading Series, featuring Patrick Dobson, J. Khan, and Janet Reed.
Patrick Dobson is a Kansas City writer, poet, and scholar. His prose works with the University of Nebraska Press have won several awards. He’s published widely in literary magazines and journals. He has taught American History, Western Civilization, and Modern Latin American History at Johnson County Community College since 2009. He conducts memoir-writing workshops twice a year for the Writers Place.
J. Khan lives and works in the Kansas City area. He has published over 30 poems and is working on a chapbook. J. Khan was born overseas of immigrant parents. He has experienced US society as both an immigrant and a citizen. In addition to poetry, he has written many scientific and technical articles, book chapters and co-authored a textbook. His poems have appeared in shufPoetry, I-70 Review, Fifth Estate, Rigorous and many other poetry magazines as well as several anthologies.
Janet Reed began writing knock-off Nancy Drew mystery stories on wide-lined notebook paper at age 11. She is a two-time Pushcart Prize nominee whose work has appeared or is forthcoming in Sow’s Ear Review, The Nassau Review, Chiron Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, Laurel Review, I-70 Review, and others. She teaches writing and literature for Crowder College in Nevada, Missouri.