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  • 15 Jul 2020
  • 15 Aug 2020
  • Virtual Event


  • $10 donation (+ $2 service fee)

    Whether you paint, draw, collage, write poetry or prose or both, or just  dabble in words and ink, this project is for you. It’s a way to share your  heart with others while supporting The Writer’s Place and Black Lives  Matter (The Writer’s Place will donate 10% of the proceeds to support  Black Lives Matter and racial diversity in Kansas City). 

    1. Sign up  2. Pay up  3. Create  4. Mail   

    You agree in participating that you will send a positive vibe to each person in your tribe. Six weeks. Fifteen envelopes. The cost of cards and postage is  in addition to the registration fee. You will receive 15 original works of art in  your mailbox. Six weeks of good vibes.

The Writer’s Place invites you to ​TRIBE YOUR VIBE ​--    Let your art build new communities and support The Writer’s Place  during this difficult time of shut-downs and social upheaval.    

Whether you paint, draw, collage, write poetry or prose or both, or just  dabble in words and ink, this project is for you. It’s a way to share your  heart with others while supporting The Writer’s Place and Black Lives  Matter (The Writer’s Place will donate 10% of the proceeds to support Black Lives Matter and racial diversity in Kansas City). 

      HERE’S HOW IT WORKS:    

1. ​Register between 7/15/2020 and 8/15/2020. 

2. Obtain or make at least ​15​ cards or prints, one for each person on a list  that will be emailed you on​ 8/15/2020.    

Here are just a few ways to participate:   
Turn a favorite picture into a card and share its significance with a  stranger. ​What does depend on that red wheelbarrow, ​ or ​why did you  eat those plums in your refrigerator?     


Make a word collage that describes part of your pandemic experience.  
Yes, empty toilet paper rolls could be put to good use in this project.   


Write a memory, story, or poem, one that fits inside a card -- first drafts  preferred.

We’re looking to generate new ideas, make new friends, and  build community, not get slogged in the inexhaustible labor of  imperfectible perfection. ​ No Alexander Popes or William Shakespeares  in this project.  


  Draw or paint your thing of aching beauty or simple significance.    

Here’s the thing:​ anything goes. It’s your ​vibe to tribe​. Anyone can participate. Everyone can find meaning to share.    

3. Mail​ your vibe to each person on your list before ​September 30, 2020.   Start with the name below yours on the list to spread the mailbox joy  throughout the six weeks. For example, if you are number 6 on your list  of 15 participants, begin with number 7 and work your way through the  list. Do 3 at a time or one every few days. Do them all on September 15.  Just joking​. No rules. You get to pick how you craft and share.     

IT’S THAT EASY:   1. Sign up  2. Pay up  3. Create  4. Mail   

You agree in participating that you will send a positive vibe to each person  in your tribe. Six weeks. Fifteen envelopes. The cost of cards and postage is  in addition to the registration fee. You will receive 15 original works of art in  your mailbox.

Six weeks of good vibes. The Writer’s Place will do the rest. You do you, and we’ll provide the technical  support to add your beauty in a world that needs it now more than ever, AND  we’ll share a portion of our funds with Black Lives Matter/Kansas City, an organization fighting oppression in Kansas City.  

(c) 2024 The Writers Place

31 W. 31st ST, Kansas City MO 64108

Email: info@writersplace.org 


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