Michael Poage has fourteen collections of poetry published, most recently, LIES I'VE HEARD OR TOLD published by Spartan Press in 2022. His COLLECTED AND NEW POEMS will be published this spring. He has taught English in Latvia, Bosnia, and Thailand (virtually). He and his wife, the scholar, writer, and activist, Dr. Gretchen Eick live in Wichita, Kansas.
Traci Brimhall is the author of four collections of poetry: Come the Slumberless from the Land of Nod (Copper Canyon Press), Saudade (Copper Canyon Press), Our Lady of the Ruins (W.W. Norton), and Rookery (Southern Illinois University Press). Her poems have appeared in The New Yorker, Poetry, Slate, The Believer, The New Republic, Orion, New York Times Magazine, and Best American Poetry. She’s received a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Fellowship and is currently the Poet Laureate of Kansas.
Lola Haskins has published fourteen books of poetry and three of prose. Her most recent poetry collection -- Asylum: Improvisations on John Clare (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2019)-- was featured in the NY Times Sunday Magazine. Past honors include the Iowa Poetry Prize, two NEAs, two Florida Book Awards, narrative poetry prizes from Southern Poetry Review and New England Poetry Review, a Florida's Eden prize for environmental writing, and the Emily Dickinson Award from Poetry Society of America. She serves as Honorary Chancellor of the Florida State Poets Association
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