This month TWP is featuring member William Trowbridge. Bill has served as a Writers Place board member and is currently a member of TWP programming committee. William Trowbridge’s ninth poetry collection, The Complete Fool, is forthcoming from Red Hen Press in 2022. His latest, Oldguy Superhero: The Complete Collection, came out from Red Hen in 2019. His other collections are Put this on, Please: New and Selected Poems, Ship of Fool, The Complete Book of Kong, Flickers, O Paradise, and Enter Dark Stranger. His poems have appeared in more than 40 anthologies and textbooks, as well as on The Writer's Almanac, AnAmerican Life in Poetry, and in such periodicals as Poetry, The Gettysburg Review, The Georgia Review, Boulevard, The Southern Review, Plume, Columbia, Rattle, The Iowa Review, Prairie Schooner, Epoch, and New Letters. He lives in the Kansas City area and teaches in the University of Nebraska Low-residency MFA in Writing Program. He was Poet Laureate of Missouri from 2012 to 2016.
If you are a Writers Place member and would like to be featured, please contact Cory Unrein or Maryfrances Wagner.